[2016-Jun-NEW]Latest Microsoft 1Z0-053 Exam Preparation 676q Free from the Braindump2go Study Website[NQ71-NQ80]

2016 June Oracle Official 1Z0-053: Oracle Database 11g: Administration II Exam Questions New Updated Today in Braindump2go.com. 100% 1Z0-053 Exam Pass Guaranteed!


After executing the command alter diskgroup disk group2 drop disk dg2a; you issue the following command from the ASM instance:
Select group_number, count(*) from v$asm_operation;
What is the implication if the query against V$ASM_OPERATION returns zero rows?

A.    The drop disk operation is still proceeding and you cannot yet run the undrop disks operation.
B.    The drop disk operation is complete and you can run the undrop disks command if needed.
C.    The drop disk operation is complete and you cannot run the undrop disk command.
D.    The query will fail since there is not a V$ASM_OPERATION view available in an ASM instance.
E.    None of the above is true.

Answer: C
Once the DROP DISK operation is completed, you CANNOT run the UNDROP DISKS command any more.

What is the net effect of the following command?
alter diskgroup dgroup1 drop disk abc;

A.    The disk ABC will be dropped from the disk group. Since you did not issue a rebalance
command, the data on that disk will be lost.
B.    The command will raise an error indicating that you need to rebalance the disk group to remove the
data from that disk prior to dropping the disk.
C.    The disk group will be automatically rebalanced during the drop operation.
Once the rebalancing is complete, the disk will be dropped.
D.    This command will fail because you cannot drop a specific disk in an ASM disk group.
E.    The disk drop command will be suspended for a predetermined amount of time, waiting for you to
also issue an alter diskgroup rebalance command.
Once you have issued the rebalance command,
ASM will proceed to rebalance the disk group and then drop the disk.

Answer: C

Which of the following is not a configurable attribute for an individual disk group?


Answer: E

What Oracle process runs when the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode but not when it is in NOARCHIVELOG mode?

A.    MMON
B.    LGWR
C.    ARCH
D.    ARWR
E.    COPY

Answer: C

You are peer reviewing a fellow DBAs backup plan for his NOARCHIVELOG mode database, as shown here:
Put the tablespaces in backup mode.
Back up the datafiles for all tablespaces.
Take the tablespaces out of backup mode.
Back up all archived redo logs.
Your colleague asks for you to comment on his plan.
Which response would be correct?

A.    The plan will work as is.
B.    The plan needs to be modified to allow for an archive-log switch after step 3.
C.    The plan needs to be modified so that a backup of the archived redo logs occurs before step 1.
D.    The plan needs to be adjusted to shut down the database after step 1 and to restart the database
after step 2.
E.    The plan cannot work as presented.

Answer: E

Which of the following statements is true when the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode and tablespaces are in hot backup mode?

A.    Archive log generation is suspended until the tablespaces are taken out of hot backup mode.
B.    Datafiles are not written to during hot backups.
C.    Changes to the database are cached during the backup and not written to the datafiles to ensure that
the datafiles are consistent when recovered.
D.    The datafile headers are not updated during the backup.
E.    The way data is written to the online redo logs is unchanged during the backup.

Answer: D

When you create a backup control file, where is the resulting file written to?

A.    The database user dump destination directory
B.    The database diagnostic destination directory
C.    To $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms
D.    To $ORACLE_HOME/admin
E.    To the directory and filename you specify in the command

Answer: E

If a log file becomes corrupted, it may cause the database to stall. How would you correct such a situation?

A.    Recover the online redo log from backup.
B.    Delete and re-create the log file.
C.    Use the alter database clear logfile command to clear the log file.
D.    Shut down the database and restart it.
E.    Shut down the database and then mount it. Clear the log file with the alter database clear logfile
command and then restart the database with alter database open resetlogs.

Answer: C
If you don’t use the ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE command to clear log online, after the database restarted, the log file will be INVALID.
So the simple way is to clear the log file directly.

You have lost datafiles 1 and 3 from your database, and the database has crashed. In what order should you perform the following steps to recover your database?
1. Take the datafiles that were lost offline.
2. startup mount the database
3. Issue the alter database open command.
4. Restore the datafiles that were lost
5. Recover the datafiles with the recover datafile command.
6. Bring the datafiles back online.
7. Recover the database with the recover database command.

A.    2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
B.    2, 4, 5, 3
C.    4, 7, 3
D.    2, 4, 7, 3
E.    2, 7, 3

Answer: B

Which command is used to open the database after an incomplete recovery?

A.    alter database open
B.    alter database open repairlog
C.    alter database open resetlogs
D.    alter database open resetlog
E.    alter database resetlogs open

Answer: C

2016 Valid Oracle 1Z0-053 Study Materials:


1.| Latest 1Z0-053 Exam PDF and VCE Dumps 676q from Braindump2go: http://www.braindump2go.com/1z0-053.html [100% Exam Pass Guaranteed!]


2.| New 1Z0-053  Exam Questions and Answers – Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B75b5xYLjSSNOGJaLVVucEZfS28&usp=sharing



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